Saturday, July 25, 2015

Did I drop off the face off the Earth?

Wow, what a schlub I've been lately.

That's right, I said it- SCHLUB.

You know, I'm not even certain that's a word, but I'm using it. It totally describes the MIA role I've had on here recently. It's been over four months and I haven't even published one word. Not. one. word.... See? I'm a total schlub!

You know, when I started this blog, I felt a deep determination to add to it everyday, to publish something of substance every morning when I awoke.

But the Universe certainly had other plans for me. A couple of birthdays, death and switching job titles, all wove their way into my already hectic life to create the superstorm of drama. But with the drama- including the negatives- I gained something very valuable... Perspective and Inner Knowing. I realized, perhaps for the first time in my life, that I TRULY DO CREATE THE STORY OF MY LIFE and I'm as determined as ever to make it a best seller.

In the midst of the chaos and doubt, I realized that my whole I have been able to manifest all that I wanted. Okay, okay, so there have definitely been times when the overall outcome came with a price, but when I've wanted something enough and focused on it with every cell of my being, I have been able to make it happen.

So what do you want to manifest in your life? Is there something that you desire above all else?


 That’s right. Give it to the Universe.

Send out those positive intentions. Now is a great time, with the full moon coming up at the end of this next week. The power is building and intentions will manifest. I promise you that.

Until next time, loves...

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