Sunday, March 9, 2014

Adversity, faith, and the power of gratitude

Today I posted a graphic on my Instagram page that sums up the way I feel about Sundays.  They are a day for rest, to reflect back upon the week, while looking forward to the week ahead.  For me, Sundays are about taking stock in all that I love most about my life.  Usually they are spent with family- taking time to enjoy one another, laughing at the silliness of life and truly relishing in gratitude for the life we've been given.  

Today was no different.  Darrin, Jackson and I spent much of the day fixing lines and placing buckets for collecting sap.  Vermont is known for its maple syrup production and in our family, this is one of the best times of the year.  Time is spent preparing the lines, checking the buckets, and readying the sugar house for the late nights that await us, reducing down the clear, tasteless liquid into its more recognizable thick, syrupy sweet goodness.  As we were trudging through the icy snow, I was overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness that is our life.  Sure, we have some things that we have to work on, but don't we all?  I don't know a single person out there that doesn't have something, great or small, that they'd like to improve.  I stood there, mid-stride, looked at our house, and gave thanks for allowing me to live in it.  I gazed up at the sky and noticed that it was a beautiful curlean blue with not one single cloud in it.  It was in that moment that I realized how blessed I truly am.  

We are all blessed- each and every one of us.  For me, my greatest blessings are the love I have for and receive from my husband and son, family and the friends who have become family, and this home and land I love so much.  We have been endowed with some truly amazing and inspirational people in our lives and there is not a day that goes by that I don't give thanks to the Universe for allowing me to know and love them.  

Our lives are a matter of perspective.  We can choose to live in a place of love, positivity, and gratitude, or we can choose something else entirely.  It's how we choose to live that makes us who we are.  We all have the choice- for better or for worse.  No one can make the choice for you.  As for me, I choose love.  I choose to lift others up as a reminder that there is real good in the world.  I choose to "be the light."

As you go about your day, remember that only you can choose how it'll go.  You, and you alone, have the power to make it better or worse.  Don't allow anyone to take that away from you.  We all deserve happiness.  We all deserve to be loved.  It's your God given right to live the life you want to live. 

“Each day is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him.”― T.D. Jakes

As I leave you for today, I ask you one question-

Until next time, loves...

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