Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's A Giveaway!

Have you ever been so excited about something that you just want to tell everyone you see?  That's exactly how I feel about Gabrielle Bernstein's new book, 'Miracles Now'!  I have read all of Gabby's books and absolutely LOVE her perspective regarding the world around her!

In her latest release, Gabby shares with us 108 life-changing tools to help manage the stresses and chaos of everyday life.  My personally favorite is number 13- "Where is the love?"  In this exercise, Gabby teaches us to remember the love we have for others, regardless of the relationship, to move us from a place of anger or resistance, to a place of acceptance and forgiveness.  With this concept in mind, I've chosen to give away a copy of Gabby's new book, as well as an Alexa and Ani 'Love' wrap bangle!  This is not a sponsored post, but rather me taking an opportunity to share with you all a few of the things I love!

To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Follow me on Twitter
2.  Follow me on Instagram
3.  Subscribe to my emails (I promise, I don't share info.  That's for the birds... and less than stellar peeps.)

That's it!  Pretty simple huh?  The winner will be chosen at noon on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 and notified via email.

Happy following!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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